Thursday, 24 March 2011

Why You Wont Use Us !!!!!!

You're about to discover the true
Secrets for advertising now—before it make you Mad...

As every dedicated watcher of Mad Men knows, advertising is built on the genius of ideas. Inspiration can strike from any corner (and in every flashback). And beware: Even the greatest ideas are fleeting.

But every now and then, an idea comes along those changes the game for good. Yes, the campaign generates huge, instantaneous buzz and moves plenty of product--but it also stands the test of time, infiltrating the culture in subtle ways for decades to come.
The Art of Mad Ads
Mad ads are all about fun; it’s about laughing and having a good time. For the rookies, mad ads are a crude form of theatre, though not accepted as one by theatre hardliners. Its genre is mainly comedy. As the name suggests, it’s about mad advertisements. The name's also a bit of a misnomer though, in the sense that it’s not about making your own ads but, spoofing existing ads

A good script is the basic requirement of a mad ads team. Sit down with our team and brainstorm to get those whacky ideas outta ur butts or wherever u've them hidden. Ideas need not always be excellent and path breaking. No matter how bad it is, put it across to the team. Many a times, such flop-ideas lead to the best of the jokes. Before finalizing our script, make sure it makes u laugh in the first place.

Golden Rule: Something u can't laugh at can't make others laugh for a sure!!
As a consumer you’re inundated with literally hundreds of messages on a daily basis so it’s little wonder that when you change hats and become an advertiser you may wonder where to start.

It’s really not that complicated. At MAD IDEAS we’ll start by helping you to identify who you most want to reach. When we know more about their lifestyle, their habits, their likes and dislikes, we’ll help you find the right publication to advertise in or the right channel for a Direct Mail Campaign.

After that it’s all about standing out from the crowd or in marketing speaks achieving ‘good cut through’. Essentially it just means using the right tone and language to really speak to your target market. 

And finally - "My Accountant Thinks I’m Crazy Sale"
This is a tongue in cheek sales letter that talks about your annoyance at your nagging, domineering, penny pinching, scrooge-ish accountant. How he bullies you, pushes you around and watches you like a hawk…but now he’s out of town on vacation for the week and you’re going to have some fun… with the wildest, most generous offers in the history of your business.

How We Can Help You
We'll happily listen to any of your own mad marketing ideas and give you feedback.
Our high quality service and "raving fan" clients are the result of our commitment to excellence. Above all, we never lose sight of the premise that our prosperity is directly linked to yours.

Promise to make you Mad.

Atul Sikrai
Founder & Chief Mentor
Brand Diagonal.