Wednesday, 24 August 2011

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Thanking All Readers.

We are soon coming with Blue Print of Brand Diagonal in coming days........

Always Yours

Atul Sikrai
Brand Diagonal.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Exploiting the Power of Brand Diagonal Lines .

Tips and tricks for taking great Brands to new Height.
When I was looking for an image/idea in pix, I came across this shot of a "scarf dancer" (I don't know what her real title would be) . The performer is a member of the family of acrobats that travel with Tino Wallenda and the Flying Wallendas. The thing that struck me about this shot, other than the very symbolic-looking Easter/spring colors (a good topic for another posting), were all the powerful diagonals in this shot. The ropes, her body, the scarf--all have a very powerful diagonal orientation. Even within the lines of her body are several very bold diagonal lines.

In terms of composition, diagonal lines emphasize power, strength and the feeling of impending movement--while horizontal lines, for example, bring to mind concepts of stability or balance, diagonals are better at creating a feeling that things are changing. If you look at a see-saw, for instance, you inherently know that when two people get on it, the balance is inevitably going to shift and the mind picks up on this idea whenever it sees diagonals, whether we realize it or not. You feel the same type of implied motion if you see a person walking up a hill--there is a much more dynamic feel to the scene that if you were to photograph that person walking down a flat sidewalk--yes? It's interesting to think of the psychological implications that something as simple as the direction of a line can impart to a composition and how you can change peoples' interpretations of a scene just by the way that you orient the lines within the frame. And, as with this scene, any time you multiply the number of lines, you intensify those feelings.
Your brand have many jobs, but one of the things that they can do really well for you is to
introduce you to new clients and to help those potential customers feel a connection with you and your business. Alas, many small business owners overlook this valuable
role for their materials when designing them, and so any connection often happens by accident alone.Considering that the Digonal connections that most businesses are making with their brand are happening by accident, these businesses are actually doing rather well. But what could their business growth and sales cycle look like if they could improve the way that they Diagonal connect with their ideal clients?
Happy to help you to connect with your clients.

Atul Sikrai
Founder & Chief Mentor
Brand Diagonal.