Diagonal Brand Lines :
Leaning over the balcony edge of massage trends for a better view, I come across interesting stories where Brand business strategies wink at me from behind the curtain of "other business ideas".
Many of my bright bulb "ideas" have been gleaned from unique approaches to customer service, branding and even irrelevant business information that is part of the diagonal to try to learn and grow my business.
Brand Diagonal". If you've never heard the term don't be shocked, because it's just a speck of dust in the plethora of "ideas" information flying in the clouded face of bewildered brand business owners trying to keep up.
Brand Diagonal is essentially the idea of extending service to your customer by anticipating and directing them to the nearest aide or resource for their needs that tie in to your business or service. It is a kind of conscious effort to anticipate what your customer will want or be aided by while they interact or participate with your business and services. It could mean everything from a link online store where they can buy a version of bolster you carry, to tips from your interior design consultant on how to create a stress free environment. Basically you are aiming to be of ultimate service to you customer.
Now that's some great customer service, and Brand Diagonal is cool and probably something we should talk more about . . . but what came to my brain is:
Wow, who's gonna be the WOM(word of mouth) genius that creates a day package for local businesses that can deliver 15 minute WOM sessions for a daily/weekly/monthly rate. The recipient businesses generate your customer, and you make each business shine. The context is an added bonus for the receiver at no cost to them, but you can negotiate a regular rate from the sponsor business, and introduce your professional services for future use to new customers.You market through being of service, providing the service, and generating future business while you get paid for your time and gain customers AND the local business owner makes good on their own brand of customer service and business retention.
Basically anywhere I've ever had to wait and hated it, and I've just started thinking! This is just the beginning of a strategic approach, the idea of Brand Diagonal takes on a whole other potential to monetize differing aspects of the business you already do!
Thanks to Brand Diagonal watching my brain has brightened once again.
Check out this blog for more info, and let me know what you think!
Brand Diagonal Watching !!
Brand Diagonal
Atul Sikrai
Brand Diagonal
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